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How to Set Up a Proper Anonymous FTP Account

An anonymous FTP account is a way for you to make information on your system available to anybody, while still restricting access to your system. An anonymous FTP account lets anybody log in to your system as user "anonymous," or "ftp." Any such login causes the system to chroot to the FTP home directory (~ftp). This effectively limits the anonymous FTP user from accessing any part of your directory structure that is not a subdirectory of ~ftp (see chroot(1M)).

The following procedure is designed to help you set up a network-accessible anonymous FTP account. As usual, understanding the various steps and continually monitoring how the account is used are necessary to protect your system security.

  1. Create the anonymous FTP user entry in /etc/passwd. The user name should be "ftp." Put an asterisk (*) in the password field, and assign user and group IDs, a home directory, and a login shell. The following is an example of a typical entry in /etc/passwd for an anonymous FTP account:

    ftp:*:997:999:anonymous FTP account:/usr/people/ftp:/dev/null

    The login shell /dev/null is recommended but not required, and the home directory can be anywhere, with reservations as explained in the next step.

  2. Create an anonymous FTP directory. This may be wherever you like but, especially if you are going to allow writes to it, it should probably be on a separate partition from / or usr. That way, if the partition fills up, it will not disable basic system operations.

    In this example procedure, /usr/people/ftp is the name of the anonymous FTP directory. First, make the directory:

    # mkdir /usr/people/ftp

    and then, if it is a separate disk or disk partition, you can mount the device on it (see mount(1M)). The anonymous FTP home directory you make must be the same one you specify in the /etc/passwd file.

  3. Set global read and access permission for the anonymous FTP directory, and change the owner to "ftp" and the group to "other":

    # chmod 555 /usr/people/ftp

    # chown ftp.other /usr/people/ftp

  4. Change directory to the ftp home directory and create the subdirectories used for FTP access:

    # cd /usr/people/ftp

    # mkdir bin etc pub private

    In addition to the standard bin, etc, and pub directories, you may wish to make a private directory for private transmissions, as explained below.

  5. For the bin and etc directories, set the owner to "root," group to "sys," and global read and access permissions:

    # chmod 555 bin etc

    # chown root.sys bin etc

  6. For the pub directory, set the owner to "ftp," the group to "other," and global read, write, and access permission:

    # chown ftp.other pub

    # chmod 777 pub

    Caution: By allowing write permission, you make it possible for anonymous FTP users to fill the disk partition.

  7. If you created a private directory, set the permissions to allow anybody to write to it but not to read its contents:

    # chown ftp.guest private

    # chown 773 private

    Anybody logging in can now place or retrieve files in the private directory, but they must be told the name of the file beforehand, because they cannot list the directory contents.

    Caution: By allowing write permission, you make it possible for anonymous FTP users to fill the disk partition.

  8. Copy the ls command from /bin to ~ftp/bin:

    # cp bin/ls bin

  9. Copy /etc/passwd and /etc/group to ~ftp/etc and edit the files to an acceptable minimum:

    # cp /etc/passwd etc

    # cp /etc/group etc

    A good choice for the contents of passwd might be


    bin:*:2:2:system tools owner:/bin:/dev/null

    sys:*:4:0:system activity owner:/usr/adm:/dev/null

    ftp:*:997:999:anonymous FTP account:/usr/people/ftp:/dev/null

    A good choice for the contents of group might be




  10. Set restrictive permissions on ~ftp/etc/passwd and ~ftp/etc/group:

    # chmod 444 etc/*

  11. Add appropriate device and library files for anonymous FTP as follows:

    # mkdir dev

    # /sbin/mknod /usr/people/ftp/dev/zero c 37 0

    # mkdir lib

    # cp /lib/ lib

    # cp /lib/rld lib

  12. Add the following entry to the file /etc/aliases to cause mail sent to the user ftp to go to the postmaster:

    ftp: postmaster

    Run the command newaliases to make this take effect. (This assumes you have an alias of postmaster in /etc/aliases. See aliases(4) and newaliases(1M).)

  13. Enable FTP logging as described in "Limiting inetd Services" in Chapter 5 in IRIX Admin: Backup, Security, and Accounting . Note that if you use one -l argument with ftpd, you record only successful and unsuccessful FTP login attempts. If you use two "l"s, you also record actions on files and directories performed during ftp login sessions, and three "l"s cause the report to include the number of bytes transferred in get and put operations.

    For example, the following entry in /etc/inetd.conf means all logging information but the byte count is sent to /var/adm/SYSLOG:

    ftp stream tcp nowait root /usr/etc/ftpd ftpd -ll

  14. Once you have edited /etc/inetd.conf, restart inetd with the following command:

    # /etc/killall -HUP inetd

    Note: Although the FTP logging records in /var/adm/SYSLOG now show any passwords entered by users logging in, no password checking is done for anonymous FTP. The convention is for anonymous users to enter their e-mail addresses for passwords, but they could just as easily enter another user's address or anything at all.

If you place any text in the file /etc/issue, it is displayed when a user connects to your system, before the login prompt is displayed. You might want to include information here about the kind of services your FTP site offers, and whom to contact in case of problems. In addition, any text in the file ~/ftp/README is displayed after the anonymous FTP user logs in.

Refer to crontab(1), syslogd(1M), and the file /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root for information on changing the frequency or nature of system log file maintenance--you may, for example, want to increase the length of time you keep log files. To help you keep track of the demands made on your public FTP server, see Chapter 6 of IRIX Admin: Backup, Security, and Accounting for information on auditing system resource usage, and Chapter 7 of IRIX Admin: Backup, Security, and Accounting for general system accounting information.

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